Thirteen Rabbits
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 |
Monday, May 30, 20054:35 pm
food has been bland these few days. although i've dumped a whole lot of butter on the scrambled eggs they taste like..something sqooshy. i hate eating just to satisfy my hunger. :( besides losing my taste buds, it seems im losing my hearing too. oh well. TOP OF PAGE
Friday, May 27, 20054:44 pm
Wanted: Darth Vader hahahaha so funny. tho i guess the real Vader wouldnt be too happy some are using his name to commit such crimes. afterall, he's spposed to be a real bad ass. bad asses don't just rob people. thats too simple. TOP OF PAGE
4:31 pm
ii was wonderiing why some people liike to put double, unnecessaryy letters when theyy type. I wAs AlSo CoNfUsEd As To WhY SoMe HavE WeIrD MiXeS Of CaPiTaL aNd sMaLl lEtTeRs iN ThEiR SeNtENcEs. th3\ +h3r3 4r3 +-053 \/\/h0 _se fu\\y sy/\/\b0s they only serve to make identifying the words harder. not to mention take a longer time to type too. weirdos. TOP OF PAGE
Thursday, May 26, 20059:26 pm
saw this on deviantart. really liked it. i cant remember the last time a picture made me feel happy and sad at the same time. hmm.. maybe its nostalgia. hahahahahahahaha see the image by shirotsuki in deviantart here TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, May 22, 20059:57 pm
maybe you heard i spent $7 on transport yesterday. 7 trips on the train. pasir ris > bedok >pasir ris > bugis > orchard > city hall >pasir ris it used to cost me half the price. i have a good mind to write a formal letter of complaint to the bloody transport authorities but im too damn lazy. anyway im hoping this fuckin blog catches someone's attention so that someone can like, idunno, complain on better still, i hope someone from the bloody government or transitlink sees this cuz it aint fuckin fair! yea thats right. watch me spew vulgarities as i demand better value for poly students. WHO ARENT EVEN OF LEGAL AGE YET. YEA THATS RIGHT IM NOT EVEN 17 you asshole. I CANT FUCKIN DRIVE YET. you know what this means? this means you are FORCING me to take public transport Shouldnt there be something in the CONSTITUITION to protect me from something like that? why do poly students have to pay the adult fare? we are the same as jc students. the only diff is our school fees cost maybe 10 times more than theirs its not like WE don't further our studies after poly. WE do go Uni. in fact I have to go overseas for Optometry. which is gonna cost me, well, i dunno, A HELL LOT OF MONEY!! so why the hell is our fare so freakin high. huh. this just makes me wanna go 'oh what the fuck are they thinking man, dumbasses' oh wait. what is that i hear? *gasp* could it be discrimination? WHAT? are you punishing me for choosing to go poly? its not like i cant make it to JC, ya noe. I CHOSE. are you trying to deter us from entering poly u ass? as i complained in Marcus' tagboard, its like no one in the BLOODY PARLIAMENT was from Poly. they never had to pay the adult fare while OTHERS THEIR AGE happily paid child/student fare for transport. im hoping if i mention 1. the government 2. transitlink 3. some MP enough times and whine a little more someone will do something abt this ridiculous situation. this issue isnt a new one someone tell me why the hell nothing has been done is there NO poly student or good samaritan good enough to argue *our* case? is there no one? well, in that case singapore is as good as damned. anyhoo, i don't even care if this blog makes it to the hall of shame and some govt official demands i make a public apology or something. maybe that kinda publicity is what *we* need. AND WHAT THE hell IS GOING ON IN THEIR MINDS? RAISING THE FARE? fuck that! the fare we pay should be affected by our age, nothing else. here i am. almost 17. by all means charge me the adult fare when im officially 18. but leave me alone till then. ... PS: yea i noe. my arguments are kinda...bad. but hey when you get a teenage kid pissed off they tend to rant and rave like that. CAN YOU FEEL MY WRATH YOU DUMBASS TOP OF PAGE
Saturday, May 21, 20051:14 am
Russian villagers baffled by missing lake 'I was thinking, well, America has finally got to us,' one woman says wow. that was officially the Quotable Quote of the Day. TOP OF PAGE
Friday, May 20, 200511:52 pm
i woke up so many times last night i can't tell which parts were dreams and which parts were real. maybe i just dreamt i was awake. hmmmmmmmmmmm nah. ok. bloody starhub again. Local Area Connection tells me "Speed: 12Mbps; Status: connected" download window tells me "Download speed: 12Kbps" but that aside, you know starhub has these rewards points. every dollar you pay them, you get one point. i have over 2000 points. and nothing to spend them on. there is really nothing to redeem. nothing useful for me at least. the one thing that is most applicable to me would be those Topshop vouchers. 1000 points for $20. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm spit factor: one and a half PUI(s)! alright! starhub aside all i can think of is saiyuki now. 2am (trying to fall asleep) : Saiyuki. 3am (before i fall asleep) :Saiyuki. 12nn (when i wake up): Saiyuki. 3pm:Saiyuki. (how m i gonna waste these 2 hours) 4 pm: Saiyuki (how m i gonna waste another hour) 430pm: Saiyuki (half an hour more!) 450pm: Saiyuki (switch on the telly) 455pm: Saiyuki (channel surf between MTV, AXN, Star World, and channel 5) 456pm: Saiyuki (still surfing) 457pm: Saiyuki (surfing...) 458pm: Saiyuki (surfing...) 459pm: Saiyuki (oh the wait is killing me) 5pm: whoopee! finally time to watch Saiyuki. i bet youre saying i need to get a life but im happy with my life right now. couldnt be happier. unless you gave me money to buy Saiyuki/RK VCDs, a new bag, pair of jeans, new hp, 5MP digital camera... ... no luck? i guessed as much. in the meantime i'll just continue looking forward to the next episode of GS. beats looking forward to the start of the school term. TOP OF PAGE
12:23 am
it is 28 degrees in this room im wearing socks it is 19 degrees in the bedroom. or lower. jac is one wall away from the fridge radiators she has a radiator she sleeps like its freakin warm while i freeze my ass off smack in front of the air-con. TOP OF PAGE
Thursday, May 19, 200511:33 pm
i hate whiney girls i hate whiney girls who think they have a life but really, they dont have a life. i hate arrogance. i hate so-not-funny 'jokes'. i hate how i have no money to buy those anime stuff. i hate how i have no money to buy an MP3 player i hate how i procrastinate i hate how i confuse myself by thinking about myself. i hate cocky people. i hate bitchy people. i hate loud girl-school type noisy bitchy whiney girls who think theyre so cool. i hate how i always contridict myself. i hate girls who think punk is cool. but in the wrong type of cool. because these girls' definition of cool isnt really cool. quiksilver and mambo don't make you insantly cool. i hate -issy whiney girls i hate -issy whiney rich girls i hate -issy whiney bitchy rich girls who think they are so pretty in their mambo..stuff. i hate how i can't think of other brands besides mambo to diss -issy whiney bitchy rich girls. but u cant blame me. i don't belong under that label. how wld i noe what they like. i have never used the word 'hate' so many times in one entry. maybe next time i'll use to word 'love' eg i love rurouni kenshin i love gensoumaden saiyuki. sanzo! hakkai! goku! gojyo! HO HO HO i love david desrosiers. i love simple plan! simple plan! simple Plan! i love my ibuprofen. my pills! my drug! i love the color black i love good charlotte. chris get well soon man i wanna see u drum in july. i love linkin park i love ....................................... my computer. don't ever break down again pls. i love my black nail polish i love blogging i love changing blogs i love cheeseburgers. oily juicy double cheeseburger..... i love french fries. oily salty golden brown fries. i hate how youre so preppy it drives me crazy. really. in case u were wondering what -issy means i couldnt think of the adjective to describe the type of people i was referring to so i just made it up. TOP OF PAGE
11:20 pm
OK i think it is safe enough to proclaim THE BARKERS - DIVORCE (just a rumor though) as the BEST NEWS ive HEARD all day. TOP OF PAGE
12:00 am
The Barkers - Divorce man if that were true... it'd be the best .. or not so best... piece of news ive heard all day. hmm considering its 12am now. its the only piece of news ive heard so far. today. TOP OF PAGE
Wednesday, May 18, 200510:23 pm
channel 5 is showing a re-run of Triple Nine, they very stupid very stupid (did i mention very stupid) show bad storyline. WORST ACTING EVER. i don't even know how to got aired in the first place. this one deserves a double PUI! (PUI!) and im glad someone agrees with me (altho i m very confident hoards of people agree with me) who's in charge of maintaining the quality of the television we watch? can't be the censorship board. they sure as hell don't allow anything nice through. it doesnt even have to be porn. even some gore that isnt rated M18 or higher is enough. its like the censorship board is a control freak. no wonder singaporeans are so soft. and we get left with crap shows like Triple Nine. on another note, Chase not to bad. storyline kinda corny? seems interesting enough though. unless the evil aliens are controlling my mind. in that case i retract every nice thing i say. PS: Britney and husband have named their 'reality' show. (PUI!) if u guys are bored, can check out liquidgeneration.com (See: Suck my news weekly) i don't even know how i ended up on its mailing list. but whatever. Warning though, that site is crazy. like, really. crazy. if i were the freakin censorship board, i'd give them a NC16. HO HO HO! on second thoughts, i retract what i said about liquidgeneration. i wouldnt even give them an NC16 rating. PG13's more like it. bah, you come up with your own rating. TOP OF PAGE
7:29 pm
oh god indigestion well its not like i ate too quickly. if i could just regurgitate my dinner i know i'll feel so much better. quick someone show me a picture of PANCAKE HOLES. oh wait. that doesnt make me sick. that makes XAVIER sick. TOP OF PAGE
7:17 pm
so BSB's latest album is called "Never Gone" judging from their latest album i wonder when they will ever be gone. they just never give up, do they? this makes me wanna go PUI! too. they should have quit while they were ahead. instead of milking their fame for all its worth. lucky theyre named Backstreet boys instead of backstreet or else they'd just be BS, which is quite an accurate summary of TOP OF PAGE
1:29 pm
im sorry i just have to get this outta my system. the chinese music scene totally sucks. i used to know what real singing was like. or rather, i thought i knew. now i don't. maybe the BeeGees? (the lead singer is....unique) maybe the Carpenters? yea they were good. this is at least the second time something as ridiculous as this has come up. lao shu ai da mi i PUI! (that's spit.) its absurd. they might as well have chipmunks record their own CD. (oh wait, theyve already done that. i guess high pitched screaming can grow on you. listen to it a few hundred times, im sure you'll love it. that is, if your head hasnt already exploded from chipmunk voice overload syndrome.) im sure no one will be able to tell the difference between human and chipmunk. Looking at this website, chipmunks look really adorable. they look like the result of the coming together of a squirrel and a mouse. also, according to that chipmunk website, they 'shout'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to ningx: sometimes i cant quite get the comment box to popup. must be my security settings. gotta go haloscan.com to see your comment. but whatever. thanks for commenting. appreciate that. at least i know someone is reading. hahahahahaha! anyway i wonder what ever happened to musicians. people who make music cuz they like it. not cuz of the money. people who will scrap the music cuz they really think its not good enough. instead of going along with their managers or whatever. managers only think money. thats why we have so much crap right now. why do they even start it. nowadays, if i want some softcore porn i just need to watch a Britney video. i highly doubt Britney is 'about the music' anymore, if she ever was at all. all theyre selling is sex. not music. anyway she wouldnt have gotten new boobs if it was otherwise TOP OF PAGE
1:14 pm
Three killed over role-playing game in Brazil SAO PAULO, Brazil - A 21-year-old man and his parents were killed after the man agreed to be murdered along with his family if he lost a murder-mystery role-playing game... im glad we don't play games like this in Sg. whatkindapsychoroleplayinggameisthat??!! but it sure gives the game an edge. imagine you trying to stop your own killer. oh the suspense. TOP OF PAGE
1:01 pm
Demand for better toilets on rise in China Here's an excerpt : The exhibition was sponsored by the World Toilet Organization, which represents cleanliness groups in 17 countries and is based in famously tidy Singapore, which fines people who fail to flush public toilets. HAH! famously tidy Singapore. our toilets still have a long way to go. you still get people who don't flush and can't aim. oh course im not talking about hotel toilets etc. i know Suntec's toilets are really nice. smells good, floor's dry. and oh-so empty. lets not forget the female toilet at Parco. i think its the basement toilet. god the number of cockroaches all huddling around the hand dryer (and it was the new japanese jet air thingy dryer too). i have never seen so many cockroaches. not even at hawker centers. there are school toilets too. students just love sticking wet toilet paper on the ceilings. i guess its amusing how the tissue just sticks there. In conclusion “Our happiness cannot be complete without a proper and pleasant toilet environment.” TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, May 15, 200510:01 pm
i wish i knew how long my headaches would last. come to think of it they always last like half a day. note to self: next time i have a headache, just pop those pills instead of waiting for it to go away. TOP OF PAGE
Saturday, May 14, 200511:55 pm
oh god im so bored. and you know when im bored i tend to start playing with photoshop. but since i don't have photoshop. im using paint.net, sth i downloaded. it isnt as good as photoshop, but sure passes time well. TOP OF PAGE
11:36 pm
its raining heavily very heavily the whole place has an orange glow raindrops +orange street lamps + purple sky absolutely beautiful. except this rain is messing with my internet connection. TOP OF PAGE
6:17 pm
hey whaddaya noe tomorrow i'd have 'owned' my photobucket album for exactly one year. yay! it just makes me want to fire that gun. TOP OF PAGE
6:11 pm
i wanted to change my blog background. but this image couldnt quite make it. well, saiyuki is based on journey to the west right? one thing i like abt them japanese, they sure noe how to make things look good. this monk is so much cooler than the goody-two-shoes original. they even did away with the pig and replaced him with someone more...pleasing to the eye. TOP OF PAGE
2:54 pm
1:19 am
Jimmy jimmy laughs, he never cries he's learned to live with deceit and lies don't show them what they want to see in your suffering they all take glee sometimes jimmy wonders if he's a cynic. sometimes he wonders if he's a critic jimmy's losing hope in the future all he's found are snakes and vultures ** jimmy's real friends have told him the actual problem lies deep within jimmy knows he needs to change he doesnt want them to think he's strange ** in his head swim crazy thoughts they were what regret and anger wrought ** still in his mind hold several truths you cant turn back time, you just lose bitter hate won't get you nowhere in this world things are never fair "the people ought to pay for what theyve done to me" deep down was a part jimmy wants to be set free he did not like what he had become all he's ever done was run jimmy's tired now; he wants to rest he thinks a closure at this point is best yet if jimmy doesnt face this like a man forever jimmy will be 'the one who ran'. ** then again maybe thats all in jimmys head only his imagination; everything's great. ** TOP OF PAGE
Friday, May 13, 20051:38 pm
Jac said she wanted to be one of those guys on CSI well i guess it is pretty cool how Grissom got a footprint off the barn floor with an electrocuted plastic sheet. Is CSI for real? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7827405/?GT1=6542 i think Jac should reconsider her choice. TOP OF PAGE
1:16 pm
man, u guys better jump from the fiftieth floor if you plan to die Woman, 70, survives nine-story fall TOP OF PAGE
1:27 am
here's part 2, since im feeling bored. xavier sits in his damp cell thinking his life is nothing but hell he wished the rotor had taken his head too and someone had flushed him down the loo the headless fish floated away down the drain in waters gray however, xavier informed me he didnt flush the fish down the toilet. he had thrown it in the bin. hence, so now the fish lies at the dump a dead fish; a rotton lump maybe a crow will pick its flesh the flesh that tastes rancid, at best. TOP OF PAGE
12:29 am
Xavier didnt put the filter on the motor the fish was beheaded by the rotor Xavier denies any wrongdoing on his part but the people at SPCA don't give a fuck. they threw him in the dungeon where he rots away, munchin on tough roots and veggies never again to decapitate no more fish with that same fate. TOP OF PAGE
Thursday, May 12, 200511:01 pm
1:04 am
i am an elbower. im the toe-stepper, the skull-smasher, the-one-standing-behind-pushing-you-down, the-one-able-to-breathe-the-fresh-air-hanging-over-you-shortys-while-u-guys-suffocate-in-each-others-BO not forgetting the one with the best view of the band, aside from those at the front rows. oh yea, also the one who takes the best pictures. if i have a good camera, that is. which reminds me. to anyone reading this: next time you go to a ROCK CONCERT PLEASE don't hang on to your girlfriend/boyfriend for dear life. i hate it when your boyfriend is elbowing me in my guts as he tries to desperately hang on to you in the bloody mess of bodies. and you guys just stand there. who just STANDS THERE in a rock concert goddamnit! geez. if you wanna JUST STAND THERE please go to the very nice calm area i like to call THE BACK. alternatively, dont even go to a rock conert. go watch SSO. remember im the ELBOWER, not the ELBOWEE. dumbass. oh hahahaha. and you noe elbowees dun care when you shoot us ugly looks as we elbow our way to the front. ELBOWEEs also hate when you somehow magically manage to squeeze to the front while we are stuck at a stalemate. TOP OF PAGE
12:40 am
if i sit here any longer having short fat stumpy leg, big ass and poor eyesight. oh wait. i am already shortsighted. :( must stop ass from getting any bigger. hmm no wait think my legs arent beyond help yet. i'll save them first. TOP OF PAGE
Wednesday, May 11, 20057:27 pm
Why is it that when a star like Britney Spears is pregnant, at first, she won't actually admit it but waits a week and then makes a public announcement? Quotable-quote: We live on Earth. Britney lives in Britney's Head, a largely uninhabited planet occupied only by (a) Britney; (b) what the tabloids are saying about Britney; (c) white guys who like to dress up like Don "Magic" Juan and dance the hip-hop; (d) a gelatinous dollop of canine protein named Bit-Bit; and (e) Britney. source: http://www.eonline.com/Gossip/Answer/index.jsp?id=49&num=1 TOP OF PAGE
2:43 pm
starhub would be alot better if they spent as much time improving their services as they do on their appearance. TOP OF PAGE
2:08 pm
Lost says: hey u turning into vege soon? David http://inbetweeninsaneandinsecure.blogspot.com says: ......... David http://inbetweeninsaneandinsecure.blogspot.com says: im not turning into a vegetable David http://inbetweeninsaneandinsecure.blogspot.com says: altho i think i wld make a good broccoli Lost says: woah u r pretty valgur David http://inbetweeninsaneandinsecure.blogspot.com says: WHAT? TOP OF PAGE
Tuesday, May 10, 20054:45 pm
The psychological affects of Chernobyl were and remain widespread and profound, and have resulted for instance in suicides, drinking problems and apathy. they make apathy sound like a disease. im didnt have any interesting links to visit so i went to IAEA.org, where i saw pictures of young nuclear scientists and thought, hey this looks interesting! i wanna be a nuclear scientist. It later dawned on me that Singapore doesnt really need nuclear scientists. nor rocket scientists, for that matter. International Atomic Energy Agency. what a mouthful. but it has a funny kind of ring to it, eh? TOP OF PAGE
10:46 am
there are only so many things to blog about ive been surfing the net for the past coupla days and blogged i have so officially run out of things to say. i'll probably start complaining abt stuff in my life later. ps GC's coming to Singapore on 12 july, 'tentatively' at least. will have to skip sch to make it but who carrreeeeeeeeeesssssssssss! TOP OF PAGE
10:00 am
listen to your mum
woke up early today like 730am. to think i went to bed at 230. i feel great! guess your mother was right to tell you to turn in early, wake early. altho waking up so early means having to eat breakfast. i don't really like breakfast :( TOP OF PAGE
1:22 am
the chinese are so bent on making money i feel ashamed for them. wanting to be successful is one thing being greedy is another. Montréal — As sellers and buyers of fur from around the world gather at the North American Fur & Fashion Exhibition of Montréal, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Global Action Network (GAN) will unveil the first-ever exposé of fur farms in China, which, over the past decade, has overtaken Canada, Scandinavia, and the United States to become the world’s largest fur exporter. Animals in China—where 3 million foxes, raccoons, and rabbits are killed in ways that would shock unsuspecting consumers in the Western countries where their skins are sold—are not protected by a single law source: http://www.peta.org/MC/NewsItem.asp?id=6378 TOP OF PAGE
1:04 am
Even cooked meat is likely to cause human beings, but not natural carnivorous, to suffer from food poisoning, heart disease, and other ailments. taken from goveg.com so far I have not been poisoned from eating meat. Even steaks. Why was it when I ate some bad mushrooms I got sick. Why don't you mention that bad veg can make me sick too sure, I don't disapprove of what theyre tryin to do here Jac's a vegetarian but everytime I see her eat a plate of lettuce (only) all I think is 'cow!' hahahaha. plain lettuce tastes nasty. a leaf or two is ok. more than that is too much. anyway my parents, esp oh so conservative mum, keeps thinking vegetarian-ism is only for Buddhists. (oh so wrong, but even I cant convince her otherwise) i'd gladly go vegetarian, except mum keeps cooking (yummy) carnivorous dishes. (someone's gotta eat them!) TOP OF PAGE
Monday, May 09, 20059:33 pm
i was reading this article about Paula Abdul poking fun at 'Idol' Scandal article and came across this phrase: ...expressing "my deepest appreciation" for fans who have expressed their support for her. there are countless ongoing scandals in this scandalous world. The public never tires of it. busybodies, thats all i'll say. but thats not the point. anyway, every time a scandal comes up, you'll have your famous person thanking loyal fans who stood by him/her. (See: Wacko Jacko) practically every other celebrity has had his share of scandals. i think these fans are too obsessed with their idols to think clearly. (See: Britney) for years theyve idolised this person their heads have been brainwashed into believing their idol is perfect. i bet if, one day, some celebrity decapitates a pedestrian while driving drunk, fans will still believe their beloved idol wasnt in the wrong. ("must be the pedestrian's fault..." they say) you gotta give it up for blind faith, though PS:"I do trust my fans who can see through attempts at character assassination, and I do trust the essential fairness of the American public," she said." (Paula Abdul - from the same article) Ho ho, still so optimistic eh? before long you'll be known as the one who (allegedly) slept with that guy frm Idol. (just like MJ's known as that guy with kids jumping on his bed.) hahahaha. just kidding. TOP OF PAGE
4:04 pm
i don't like to complain. . . . i take that back. complaining is as much a part of my life as that bee's ass is part of the bee. i desperately need a new pillow hear the cries of my stiff neck and aching shoulders oh where art thou, uninterrupted sleep? TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, May 08, 20052:04 pm
school teachers really take advantage of our innocence to scare us into whatevertheywantustodo damn i wish i wasnt so terrified of them before. oh stupid, stupid, stupid. now that i know they can't do anything to me i find it a pity i lived in fear for 6 years. Oh my traumatising childhood. back then, i didnt know much about big people didnt know what powers they had didnt know my rights either shit, i wish someone had made me aware i had something called 'rights' way back in primary school. i feel i have been disadvantaged because of 'withheld information'. damnit. TOP OF PAGE
Saturday, May 07, 200512:52 pm
oh hey i saw this at explodingcigar.com Hamsters Spread Antibiotic-resistant Salmonella SP shld stop kissing the hamsters lest his next illness kill him ho ho ho! TOP OF PAGE
12:33 pm
i was surfing thesneeze.com when i found explodingcigar.com, then found stupid.com before finally finding this: X-Ray Gogs yea i remember those these things shouldnt even be for sale damnit which dumbass allowed this to hit the shelves? you think i can sue the company for false advertising? i mean these x ray gogs really don't allow the wearer (or rather, the curious unsuspecting stupid victim) to see through any damn thing yea im sure i'll be able to get something outta this if i take legal action although i guess the company can argue these gogs let ppl see thru you; how ridiculous you look with the crappy gogs, trying to fool yourself into thinking you havent been cheated and these glasses really do work. fuck you, x-ray gogs company. TOP OF PAGE
Friday, May 06, 200511:38 pm
i find myself walking over to the fridge every 10 minutes checking its contents for something to eat TOP OF PAGE
Wednesday, May 04, 200511:16 pm
im thinking house of wax is gonna be another lame movie TOP OF PAGE
11:09 pm
we all know how upset smokers will become if smoking were to be banned but hell i wish the government will ban smoking everywhere. i don't even have to step outta my house to smell cigarette smoke. every night as i sit here someone down there is smoking every night i feel im one step closer to cancer. and with my genes, im close enough already. TOP OF PAGE
12:40 pm
people shld just embrace the dark side instead of always trying to fix whatever's wrong with their, uh, light side. TOP OF PAGE
12:00 am
i hate mosquitoes. loathe. despise. useless pests i take pleasure in squashing between sheets of paper. |