Thirteen Rabbits
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 |
Monday, July 31, 20067:45 pm
how come when i was growing up we didnt have digimon or pokemon or all that -mons we didnt have powerpuff girls and batman of the future i digress abit. batman of the future sure looks better than the old batman. young batman doesnt make the mistake of wearing underwear as outerwear anymore. but ive never been too keen on batman. he got no SUPERPOWER. i mean how can you be HERO without POWERS!?!? he has all those fancy gadgets (good for him), but he cant swing around NYC like SPIDERMAN. (cue: spiderman theme song - spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can...) spiderman is so much cooler (except for the blue/red spandex..why not black sia. and why spandex??! tch) speaking of which, i believe Batman is part of Justice League, along with hawkgirl and flash and wonderwoman (another one who likes to wear underwear outside, except this time is wear diapers (just watch the original character played by real people. she wears diapers. even my mother agrees. dunno who the actress. different generation mah... LOL ) and not forgetting the last member of JL, superman... did i miss anyone? *hmmmmm* OH YA almost slipped my mind - GREEN LANTERN (i think thats his name... the alien with the ring) back to whatever i was talking about-- we had power rangers and ultraman and bananas in pajamas -_- someone said the opening theme thingy with the bananas chasing the teddies was actually quite perverse. don't rmb where i read that. power rangers was nice. its this generation's power rangers that suck. (i think i mentioned this before) oh yea, we even had VR man! REMEMBER VR MAN??? VR MAN! VIRTUAL REALITY MAN STARRING JAMES LYE! *bleah* i think i just gagged abit. i believe VR man can read ppl's minds. of the whole season i only rmb this scene in the show: everyone in a meeting, discussing some business deal and the guy thinks "if only we can get a 40% discount.." and James Lye quips "LETS JUST GIVE THEM 40% DISCOUNT!!!" lol wtf . . . i suddenly have the urge to punch B1 and B2's huge heads LOL usually i just feel like squeeezing their heads until they split or something (banana split! hahahah so lame) HAHAHAHAHA they look very spongey. wld make good punching bags. TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, July 30, 20069:02 pm
pre-exam jitters
Saturday, July 29, 20068:09 pm
queen of ah lians
today i saw someone who represented the epitome of ah lian-ness dressing like ahlian, talk like ahlian, attitude like ahlian. confirm 200% ahlian. certified by me. anyway the ah lian attitude im talking about is the i-think-im-so-great attitude i-can-throw-my-temper-anytime-i-want-even-for-the-smallest -fucking-thing-so-that-ant-crossing-my-path-right-now-better-be -careful-or-i'll-unleash-the-cheenafied/ahlianified-fockin'-fury childish~ oh ya went back to sch to practice cliop stuff somehow i ended up with ernpiaw la that guy win liao la. he was trying to flip my eyelid but lost his grip halfway through (out step in down out and up) so my eyelid SMACKed back onto my eye. got sound somemore. ailing was standing like 1 metre away also heard the PIAK! sound. lol wtf and ah i realise a lot of people keep pulling my lower lashes also. this one really wtf. not funny at all. painful you know. i like my lashes. i want to keep them. don't grab both my upper and lower lids' lashes and attempt to evert my upper lid. tch. TOP OF PAGE
6:50 am
i poured cornflakes into a cup instead of a bowl by mistake mind you, its 645am horh!! TOP OF PAGE
Wednesday, July 26, 20064:01 pm
so i came home feeling kinda pissed today because of something forntunately sp reminded me of my own formula of focacia bread + a whole bunch of veg = happy me and it still works. im feeling better. don't know is cause im feeling bloody full now or veggies really make me happy. oh yea i also found out focacia bread, in this equation, is a variable. i finished the last of the focacia this morning, so now im eating tomato + boiled egg + mayo + jap cucumber + onion wrapped in lettuce. very nice. not as good as focacia tho. i don't think i really like egg yolk :S but..... beggars cant be choosers especially pissed off beggars somemore yesterday i finished whats left of the second tub of ice cream we bought not ben and jerry's liao. this time dreyer's cookies and cream or something. not as nice as ben and jerry's also. hai. you just cant replace the real thing. TOP OF PAGE
Tuesday, July 25, 20066:36 pm
wa youngsters are so meek theyre so easy to bully ** anyway i am very happy here is the equation: focacia bread + japanese cucumber + tomato + lettuce + onion + yellow pepper + japanese mayo = very happy me. no need to cook or anything. *satisfied grin* now who says veggies are boring~~~~~~ TOP OF PAGE
Monday, July 24, 20062:48 pm
so im thinking someone has put a curse on me or something luck has been really really like shit recently why ah? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nothing's been going the way they should. :( im supposed to have good luck. im supposed to bring bad luck to people not the other way around. pffft TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, July 23, 20069:06 pm
level 20 mannnnnn i beat xj's level 11 or whatever it was. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH ah. now you know what ive been doing online when i shld be studying. TOP OF PAGE
7:05 pm
Pink Issues
i don't understand do all girls (i mean kids) like pink? are they all just born with the i-like-pink gene? or do they like it because its like forced in their face the moment they enter this world? everywhere i see girls in pink. HELLO? what about other colours? even in shops selling kid's clothes, all little boys' shirts/shorts are blue. all little girls' dresses are pink pink = for girls is so wrong. it is stereotypical and just very very wrong. i think girls see this colour and without thinking they go 'I WANT THAT - (becuz its PINK! and that means MINE!)' no other thought process necessary. hell, your kid's not gonna grow up homosexual if you let him wear pink or her wear blue. or any other color for that matter. in fact, if your kid is gonna grow up gay, you cant do anything about it. period. (however i think if you don't want your kid to become gay don't send him to a boys' sch) and whats the deal with barbie. What on EARTH IS SO ATTRACTIVE ABOUT DOLLS??? so grabbing them by the waist and playing out imaginary scenes on your own is FUN? WTH IS WRONG WITH KIDS??? the only toys i had was a kitchen set (i made my dad eat plastic :D) and some bear/dog (cant tell) plushie (MY FAV SOFT TOY awwwww). my sis had a creepy-crawlie-maker-set-thingy. remember those? i say if a kid does not grow up having
and i suppose a lot of kids in sg got no childhood. PS: just kidding about the boys' school churning out gays la. stop bitching. TOP OF PAGE
Saturday, July 22, 200610:31 pm
i am going to hell
i will not mock people (whether in my head or in their face or whatever) i will not laugh at their misfortune i will not look at their nicks and go HAHA! LOSERRRRRR~~~ i won't be so critical *evil* (i will add stuff when i think of em) ** anyway i was surfing blogskins (for like 5 minutes only la. most of the skins suck. oops. i just said i wouldnt be so critical) some people say 'if you don't like it (the blogskin i made) don't rate it ok?' WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? only people who dig it can rate? WHATS THE FUCKING POINT?!?!?! sheesh. oh ya, today i was very mean. i gave my first negative comment on a really SIAN blogskin. *laughs evilly* (wow i cant believe i really laughed so evilly. have you heard it? Jac says its really... evil. i can be villain on tv liao. i SO have THE LAUGH. on second thoughts its really more of a snigger.. heh) eh shit, why am i wasting time at blogskins? i shld be studying ah. (i spent the whole day thinking about studying again. not as free as you thought... or did you not think? lol) nvm, good place to vent frustrations. and double shit ah, why am i admitting the bad stuff i did here? i didnt think it'd be so difficult to do good things :( TOP OF PAGE
Friday, July 21, 20069:43 am
you are rejoicing because u met the singapore idol top dunnowhatitisnow? ** walao eh why the weather so freakin hot these days isnt it supposed to be rainy season now?? isnt it? ??? the thing about ice cream is you have to find a balance between enjoying every bite and eating fast enough before the whole thing melts have to eat all i want before the other 2 thieves finish it even my mum says cookie dough is nice. nothing is safe in this house. i forgot to mention why is cookie dough so good? because ben & jerry's "Oppose Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone" TOP OF PAGE
Thursday, July 20, 200610:12 pm
guilty guilty
sian ahhhhh everytime i want to chat with someone, that person is not online wth. always like that. anyhow im feeling quite guilty was at the shop beside the library during lunch break so this guy was about to pay ah, and apparently he just stuffs cash in his pockets whatever la. when he took his hands out his pockets a $10 note fell out. he didnt know. no one noticed either. WTHHH SHOP SO CROWDED ONLY I SEE?! wanted to tell him but hesitated. honestly don't know whats wrong with me. i remember thinking look down look down you bloody!!! so for like 5 seconds i just stood there. (i so deserve to be slapped) just as i was about to say something, the shop owner saw it i SWEAR he SWOOPED in on that bill like some bird of prey and kept it. WTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF damn you shopowner make me feel guilty like shit. you greedy pig. pffft. and you stupid guy so blind. invest in a wallet for godssake tch. ** today on the train very crowded ah, so i standing at the centre there. actually i don't know wth that place is called so you'll excuse me *waves hand in front of you like jedis do when they do that mindtrick thingy*. anyway at the part 2 carriages are connected there ah, only 3 ppl can stand right. its a rule. only 3 strangers allowed. why? because no one likes to touch the person next to you. it pisses me off anyway. anyhow today, all 3 spots were occupied. and then this guy who just boarded the train sqeeeeeezed in between me and some other stranger guy. somemore used his butt to push me away :S weeeeeeeeeeird. ok la whatever. today mood not too bad, or else my expression couldve curdled milk. a few stations later it wasnt that crowded. guy decides to sit down. right there. :| hello? HELLO?? he practically forced me out of my spot :( and guess what he actually looked up from where he was sitting and flashed me this BIG GRIN! that totally caught me off guard. 1. stranger grinning at me 2. stranger who just took over my 'standing area' (lol) just grinned at me. i don't know what to think. i don't think i want to think anymore. he was starting to freak me out, honestly speaking. don't want to use the word, but i have no choice. i thought he was crazy. there i said it. (i really hate using that word to describe someone, but his behaviour/mannerisms call for it). aiyah whatever la. suddenly don't feel like saying anymore. lol. ** recently ive been saying 'damn' as 'daam'. very very odd. i think it actually means something in some other language. lol ** oh and i just realised got a lot of tests coming up im in deeeeeeep shit man did not go back to practice cliop routines don't even have a partner. fuck. TOP OF PAGE
8:54 pm
Ice cream is evil
bought a tub of ben & jerry's cookie dough ice cream we were eating it in front of the telly it was melting Me: eh quick quick put it in the freezer *takes another spoonful of ice cream* Jac: you put la *scoop* Me: dowan la u puttt *scoop* Jac: heeeeee *scoop* Me: oh noooo! everytime it change hands we take more...... *takes tub. scoop* Dad: come i help you all *takes it from me. scoop* Me: NOOooooo *grabs tub. scoopl* this time i covered the bloody tub so no one could steal anymore ice cream, and handed it to jac, who finally kept it in the fridge TOP OF PAGE
Wednesday, July 19, 20069:21 pm
Singapore Idol
so im watching singapore idol ah today everyone song damn sucky la all so lousy at choosing songs. dig their own graves. most of them sucked tonight. Jay Lim very creepy. maybe its just his expression. Jac keep saying he's a 'creepy gay' and 'jay very gay'. Jac even makes fun of his name "why his name not Jay Bee?" anyway looks aside, he totally killed If youre not the one by Daniel Bedingfield. with the original singer, you feel good inside. with jay, i feel like someone's recorded an audio of a chicken getting slaughtered and aired it on tv. and before anyone deducts my karma points, im not making fun of him ok! im just offering my opinion hahahhahahaaha TOP OF PAGE
Monday, July 17, 200610:21 pm
i never understood why some people put their friends in first place over everything else just. weird. TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, July 16, 20069:47 pm
a matter of time
i have been spending the whole day worrying worrying about my cable giving up on me like my earphones have given up on me damn earphones but at least earphones are easy to get cable need to go so far. tch. TOP OF PAGE
Friday, July 14, 20069:44 pm
this is so fun! ** anyway so paiseh today train reached pasir ris but i didnt wake up in the end this nice malay lady woke me see la comatose tired. never happen before. and then after that this old man ask me how to get to bedok he blur man. pasir ris liao no matter which platform you take from all go same place he spoke to me in english. so i answer in english right. walaooooooooo eh say until he even more blur! (partly my fault also cuz i just woke up, wondering how on earth i can oversleep, so i was just mumbling..) aiyah why make things hard for yourself! speak in mandarin la! then i will reply in mandarin then no communication problem liao mah. it didnt occur to me that perhaps he wasnt too fluent with English until this other man interrupted my incoherent/inaudible answer and asked the old man IN CHINESE where it was he wanted to go. ahahahahaha. silly me. nevermind, just wake up still abit disorientated, got excuse. ** lets see how far along my fund is i have saved $100! yay! but since i started at -$150, im still $50 in debt so useless la. maybe by next week i'll be out of debt. TOP OF PAGE
7:20 am
yesterday i learned that it is not possible to nap while standing knees nod off also. :( TOP OF PAGE
Tuesday, July 11, 200610:08 pm
sian ah everytime i look at slit lamp notes i feel sleepy. everytime i change from classical guitar to bass i feel like ive switched from plucking rubber bands to plucking spaghetti. everytime i say i want to study on the train i fall asleep TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, July 09, 20062:19 am
its 2am playing bass. very softly tho. i am such a considerate person anyway totally forgot about cliop pract session today lucy called at like 940am when lesson started at 9! ?!?!?! oh well managed to get there at 1030 bloody miracle wldve been earlier if we werent caught behind this law-abiding fucker who hogged the first lane. everyone knows Lane 1 is not for law-abiding drivers because no one keeps to the speed limit on THAT lane. and since i missed briefing, had no clue what i was supposed to do, so just fiddled with the slit lamp and make josh suffer. met jac at orchard to get a haircut at Icon actually i only went in for a trim, which is a bloody waste of money cuz i cldve gotten a trim anywhere else we met up with Jac's SAC friends at Suntec. i always seem to be crashing their outings. :S had mango tango dunnowhatshit cheesecake at nydc. the first few bites were delicious, but the sweetness was killing me by the time i was halfway through. we wasted more time at starbucks, where i fell asleep. it was already 12mn. then acted like idiots for a bit outside marche, taking photos with the cows. you know those painted cows. now, they specifically said "COW", but i don't think cows have horns. and they cant be bulls, cuz bulls don't have udders. i am quite confused. ** oh almost forgot dad's friend gave us a classical guitar don't know what to do with it. i cant play. hahahahahhahahahaa could learn, but it seems like a lot of work :S lol TOP OF PAGE
Friday, July 07, 20067:58 pm
Lucy "I cant Snap my fingers"
i found out Lucy has been spreading rumors behind my back tsk tsk of all people Houston!?!? tsk tsk tsk you were the one who said ' you think Houston coming for lecture today anot?' i never made any comments about Houston lorrrrrrr................... --->READ: i don't like houston (must set things straight) tsk tsk tsk tsk, Lucy you disappoint me... TOP OF PAGE
Thursday, July 06, 20066:29 pm
Train Thoughts
on the train i was thinking wow what a bunch of freaks the 2 seats on my left occupied by 2 zombies sleeping nothing wrong with sleeping, but they sleep until like falling all over the place. normally i don't mind people bumping my shoulder cuz theyre asleep and all, but today feeling emo, so was kinda pissed. lol what a terrible reason.. anyway i was looking around and going 'weird', 'weirdo', 'WEEEEIIIRRRRRRd' in my head and then i thought wait a sec, this cant be right. (i looked at my reflection in the glass window opposite) nah maybe this is what humans are. sometime later i thought what to have for dinner? subway? pastamania? corn flakes at home? like 5 times i thought of calling andy and perry but thought NAH JC PEOPLE WHERE GOT TIME TO GO OUT ON A SCHOOL NIGHT ONE hahahahahahahahaa so i went Fairprice bought one of those add-water-add-this-and-that kind of pasta and had that for dinner instead. and whaddaya know emo-ness gone! food works wonders. ** omgggggggg i just realised i didnt spend any $ in school YAYYYYYYY ** oh yea come to think of it i find that the more emo i am the louder the thoughts in my head become whoa. usually (un-emo days) they speak up now and then, and seem softer on bad days they are unstoppable and are practically shouting in my head. oh goodness i must be losing it. TOP OF PAGE
Wednesday, July 05, 20067:14 pm
dunno why my internet connection is so fucking unstable its pissing me off useless. piece. of. shit. damnit. TOP OF PAGE
Tuesday, July 04, 20066:50 pm
a long long time ago
when i was in primary school, we sometimes had to mark our own workbooks (because our teachers couldnt be arsed to do so themselves) red pen green pen stupid teachers terrorizing kids. i used to get the ticks wrong ticks (the Nike type of tick, not the flea) go in this direction --> / i used to do it this way --> (the other way) lol. lefty mah what to do, i thought it was a subjective kind of thing, if youre right handed u go / and vice versa for lefties. anyway i suddenly feel like complaining about those teachers terrrrrrrible if they think the work you handed in was slipshod they throw your workbook on the floor so you have to walk over to the front of the classroom (sometimes the books landed outside the classroom. distance thrown proportionate to how bad teachers' moods were) and pick it up like some... nobody. isnt that just horrible. don't treat you like human beings at all. damnit. i heard from my sis once, this super strict teacher wasnt satisfied with some kid's handwriting. wasnt straight apparently. she asked her to bring her ruler to her desk, WHERE SHE FREAKIN SNAPPED IT IN HALF!!! don't play play man she may be tiny in stature but her wrath is like a million times worse than Lucy's so-far-still-non-existant-balls-of-fire-which-supposedly-are-non-existant- because-the-great-Lucy-cant-snap-her-fingers-to-conjure-them oh the horror. we were such an innocent fearful bunch. TOP OF PAGE
6:40 pm
have a nice day...tomorrow
it occurred to me as i was licking another spoonful of nutella if its late in the day, do you say 'it seems its too late now. so i'll wish you have a nice day... tomorrow" ? ** what a boring day i found out (yesterday, actually) 2 roti pratas cost $1 and the next time you feel hungry will be 5.5hours later. very good. i almost forgot i have my own fund (which, sadly, is still in the -$100s or so.) don't think i can afford $1 roti pratas already. therefore i will not spend a single cent in school anymore that also means i have to bring my own water :S ... and avoid FCs like theyre plagues. TOP OF PAGE
Monday, July 03, 20067:54 pm
honestly if someone 3 decades older than you has tried to kill herself i wonder how we havent all been driven to taking our own lives already TOP OF PAGE
7:37 pm
alriiiiiiiiiiight!! my first fav! w00t!!!! TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, July 02, 200612:22 am
wow went shopping the whole day so fun went to heeren and tangs and suntec and a coupla others i don't remember :S this time got things to buy coincidently tonight (or rather, last night/just now) Suntec open till 1am for late night shopping additional 10% off sale items, 15% nett price items! hahahaha i sound so what sia. feel like ive gone to every sale in town only never go swee lee sale. oh well. :\ |