Thirteen Rabbits
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 |
Saturday, February 28, 20092:54 am
Whittakers > Cadbury im lamenting the fact that there's isnt whittaker's chocolate here. except for the slab ones. it's all cadbury cadbury cadbury. :( i want Whittaker's white choc macadamia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOP OF PAGE
1:36 am
i feel like a バルーン ... :(
things are really dying on me. my 2 most prized possessions... the laptop: fan spoil. overheating. full of rubbish programs making it crash. damn you. u have to last me the year!!! and then there's the bass komaru'n da! i dunno what to do! shld i get a new bass? money la money! haiiiiiiii saddddded!! hm. if i buy bass then i'll have to survive on maybe 10$ a week la. hahahahahaaaha er. right. haiiiiiiii rbx374? haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii these days i got no mood to play bass :( dunno is cuz it's broken or what...... haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii * in a bid to stay awake for another 45minutes (till bedtime) im gonna make a list a list of lessons ive learnt. here goes!
eh 15 more minutes to bedtime! i cant really think of anymore lessons ATM. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm TOP OF PAGE
Friday, February 27, 20098:58 pm
today i find out that it's quite nice to sleep 3 hours every 12 hours. like i slept close to 4am yesterday, and woke at 7am. and just now i took a nap around 4 again, and woke at 7. hehe bought so many things today after going to KK with mum, we went to bedok to get some avos. and then we took the shuttle to Giant Tampines. and bought a lot more stuff. there's this really really yummy soy drink powder. hehe i just like to buy food la. i saw ben and jerry's ice cream going at 2 for $22! and the longans were buy 1kg get 1kg free! (ya, i tot, wtf?) k. i am so not cool now. TOP OF PAGE
7:55 am
if u wake early, u get to eat breakfast!
yum! fluffy pancakes for breakfast! i love this recipe! jackie u can try! i used double acting baking powder instead of the normal one, and added some wholemeal flour too XD adjust the amount of salt to suit your preference it was too salty for me, but that just meant i didnt have to spread additional butter on it. lol TOP OF PAGE
1:57 am
on the contrary... uh. i don't really know what it is. night-time, or rather, wee hours of the morning always has this effect on me. i like this time of day (night) because it's so quiet and dark and (somewhat) cool. perfect time for thinking. still don't have the answer to the all important question about religion and society. i am totally stuck. i don't remember ever having ZERO idea about something. guess there's a first for everything. * i don't really know what i want "i'll think about it" is what i would like to say and do then again, i'm not much of a planner. when have i ever stuck to them? i'll probably have a different idea when i wake up. ...i want to do so many things. TOP OF PAGE
Thursday, February 26, 20097:48 pm
the key word is Values.
i am stuck. on this question. about religion. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh the answer is not coming to me! i feel like im digressing! im just bullshitting! i can't do it! how????????????????? * ok im gonna sleep at 3am today. and wake at 7am! what for? no reason! just to sleep less lo. hahahahahaha im sick of waking up at noon! it's no fun! i like the morning! i hate afternoons! * i FINALLY cleaned my room. it was a sty! and i am a pig! T_T and the recent wet weather has spawned Spawns of Satan! damn mosquitoes!!!!! but it finally rained heavily today. a thunderstorm. lots and lots of thunder and lightning. the windows are cleaner from the raindrops pelting it. :) i wish fairprice had whatyoucallem lettuce. the thin wispy one. hahahahahaha those are nice. oooooooh a beetle just flew in. i grabbed the first notepad i saw and flicked it to the wall. HA stupid thing was dazed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA then i scooped it up with a piece of paper and threw it out the window. i am so evil! oh ya. it's kinda creepy how often i see my blog come up when i google stuff. like when i google plastic tree, or yamaha... lol TOP OF PAGE
2:45 am
today.. or yesterday.. is ladies night at zouk. and just when the music got good i had to go home. because mum is 'hysterical' that im staying out so late. the more i think about it the more pissed i am. and don't give me all that rubbish about worrying for their kids and all. gimme a break! im 21 in 8 months! ive been a good kid my whole life! wtf?!?!?!! it's not like im doing anything bad or wrong! i wish my mum will just accept me for who i am? instead of trying to make me be who she wants me to be! jackie could be that person, but not me! . ranting here makes me feel like an angsty teenager. grrrrrrr! how long does she expect me to be that 'good kid' who stays home all day?????? the most frustrating thing is i feel that this is one of those things u shld do while youre young! it's no fun when youre older. and ive wasted so many years already! considering my life is gonna be hella short, am i supposed to just let it past like that? so. here i am. not tired at all. don't think it was the jagerbomb i had just now la. hahahaha TOP OF PAGE
Wednesday, February 25, 20091:26 am
Alone again, wonderful world
アローンアゲイン、ワンダフルワールド 作曲 & 作詞: 有村竜太朗 もー、会えないんだな。嘘みたいだな。眠り方も忘れたみたい。 いずれにせよ、夢の外だ。君がいないんじゃなぁ。 あー、恋しくなる。苦しくなる。どうにかなる。 触れない距離、積もる月日、それらがいま二人を離していくところ。 悲しみコードは爆音です。 君の声も聞こえない、届かない。 ざわめく風が薫る、るる ―――――――。 アローンアゲイン 頼りない世界。グルグル、いつまでも回る。 うずまく心は七色。また会えるのかな? ハロー、ハロー、届いたなら 悪戯にワンダフルワールド。 ねー、四六時中、思い出して名前を呼ぶ。こだましていく。 真昼の月。ひとつしかない答えが浮かんでて消えそう。 切なさモードの残像です。 君の顔も見えない、わからない。 ざわめく風が笑う、ふふ ―――――――。 スカートの翼を広げてユラユラ、君、夢、幻。 うるさい涙が散らかる。まだ探せるなら、 ハロー、ハロー、何処にいるの? 意地悪なワンダフルワールド。 哀愁ナラ今日モ更新終了 感傷ナラ明日モ申請中 あー、未来とかは手探りでも、あたらしい日々。 ばかみたいだなー。涙の向こう、君はなんて僕を叱るんだろう? アローンアゲイン 頼りない世界。グルグル、いつまで回るの? うずまく心は七色。想い出で間違い探しだ! スカートの翼を広げてヒラヒラ、君、夢、幻。 うるさい涙が散らかる。まだ探せるかな? ハロー、ハロー、 何処かにいる君と僕、 ワンダフルワールド。 this is a song from .. last year? i keep revisiting old songs.. and find something new every time. TOP OF PAGE
12:09 am
so i said my gmail background changes with the weather (there's another background for thunderstorms! got lightning! different from general rain. lol) i wish it changed with the time as well like, its 12am now but the background is still... day time. hahahah im asking too much, arent i? * eh im feeling so fat. * i still wish singapore was 15 degrees cooler. TOP OF PAGE
Tuesday, February 24, 20095:35 pm
ugh. something tastes really off. is it just my tongue thats gone crazy? god it's rancid! ooooooooommmmmmmggggggg i bet if i ate it i'd be sick for 3 days! im gonna go take another bite just to make sure ;) hmmm nope, the cookie's still good. was it the water? meh. tastes pretty normal. a little strange, but water in singapore always tastes strange. maybe it's the tea this chinese tea. yucks. makes my stomach churn. but that wasnt it either. maybe its because i mixed all 3 together. and it left such a horrible aftertaste in my mouth. like plastic. nasty nasty nasty. i wish i could puke it all out. * i have 2 more cookie time! expiring in a few days! TOP OF PAGE
12:19 am
so you see, that's why im feeling so sian..
*yawn* i need to clean my room. i broke another cup while doing the dishes today. sianz. its the $5 ikea mug. the nice one. :( next time im gonna stick to buying DAISO mugs. $2 only. :( i have one tall blue mug already :) i don't know why im so clumsy. i was just thinking of something, scrubbing the mug a bit too hard. (trying to remove tea stain) and u know soap + strength = mug flies out of my hand, crashes into a pot and both fall to the floor with a big CLANG. mug breaks into a dozen pieces and mum comes running. sees my scrowling face, says nothing and goes back to watching the telly. a wise choice, because im not a very pleasant conversationalist when im scrowling. so i pick up the pieces. shards are so common it doesnt even bother me if i cut myself. just a few weeks back i chipped an IKEA plate. lucky this is a cheap plate. just throw lor. i really have butterfingers :( and now im having some sort of a mental block. trying to tackle this question. it's difficult to answer if youve been as ignorant to the world as i have been the past 20 years. how to write 500word answer ?! i should get down to business. im wasting a lot of time. :( there seems to be one more thing on my mind, but i cant quite put my finger on it. ah probably something to do with communication. u know how i fall short in that area. it's so ironic, it's pathetic i can get an A in english, but screw up so badly when it comes to getting important messages across. i think i should just carry my laptop around the whole day. and converse by typing instead of speaking. staring at pixels is a lot easier than speaking in the presence of a person. ha ha it never really bothered me before........ doushiyo kana... ** Replay is still a brilliant song. it doesnt really remind me of a particular time in my life, but it takes me to a better place. a place i do not know. a place i have no memories of. but that's what makes it so wonderful. TOP OF PAGE
Monday, February 23, 20094:45 pm
Banana Bread
made banana...bread? cake? bread la. hahahahaha suddenly felt like eating bananas. * i like how my gmail wallpaper changes according to the weather. when it's sunny out, the wallpaper shows a fine day. when it starts raining, yup, the wallpaper is of rain! and it rained 2 days in a row! im glad :) TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, February 22, 20098:24 pm
スピカ 作曲 & 作詞: 有村 竜太朗 ふたつある星を ひとつの名前で呼ぶって たしか君から聞いたな 夜を拒むように たくさんの灯り いろんな色 飾る東京 夜空探した あれ、どれだったっけな? 何もかも全部 君に向かうから ほら 星の光で 離れてしまった手と手が繋げるなら 覚えた星の名前が 届かなくなった未来を示すのなら ずっと となり同士 ふたりぼっち 白いスピカ 割りきれない恋 分数で解いた 答えは誰かと同じでいい 月見坂上り 宇宙で道草 唄うよ 猫の鳴き真似で 夜が明けるまで あと、どれくらいだろう? 嘘にならないで 消えていかないで まだ 星の光が 忘れそうになった想いを繋げるなら 覚えた星の名前が 隠れてしまった未来を照らすのなら きっと となり同士 ふたりぼっち 白いスピカ ほら 星の光で 離れてしまった手と手が繋げるなら 覚えた星の名前が 届かなくなった未来を示すのなら このまま 星の光が 忘れそうになった想いを繋げるなら 覚えた星の名前が 隠れてしまった未来を照らすのなら ずっと となり同士 ふたりぼっち 白いスピカ やさしい、やさしい、声が聴こえた。 悲しい、悲しい、涙墜ちた。 恋しい、恋しい、心には もう、会えないな。 もう、会いたいな————。 ここから見えるのは とても遠い僕ら 過去にも未来にも見えた TOP OF PAGE
1:14 pm
under the weather
wa. sian. the external speakers i stole from the old computer starting to spoil already. cable getting shitty. nooooooo!!!!!!!!! don't spoil!!!!!!! i want boots. i want yamaha bass. thats the one i will get! * oh my. time flies. what have i been doing the whole day? wa i eat a lot of rubbish. woke at 1pm, 'breakfast' ate scone, ate some noodles, ate some cookies lunch at 450pm. ate leftover noodles, baked beans and kidney beans from the can. they don't have the mixed beans we had in NZ. that one was nice! all they have is baked beans, kidney beans, and chickpeas! no mix! wth! actually today im craving for chicken. roast chicken. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm * how does an owl look like without feathers????????????????????? i bet they would look scrawny and comical! what makes an owl, an owl? maybe that bird we see perching on the same stick at the park every night is an owl! barn owls looks very fake! like theyre wearing masks. creepy white masks... TOP OF PAGE
Saturday, February 21, 20092:37 pm
much to think about
omg hot. weather. damn i hate the afternoon. thank goodness for jeanette and huiling's bubble tea! lifesaver la~ met jeanette and huiling just now to pass them the stuff from NZ. i think i have an unhealthy obsession with starbucks. well technically it's not an obsession yet. it's just a.. bad habit? to buy a caramel frapp when i go out. i like the frapp here more than the one in NZ it's not as sweet here, and the coffee's not as bitter. lol. it's a toned down version. so ah im leaning very much towards the yamaha bass. cuz active la. very very attractive. the thunderbird's got a very nice finish. sunburst. *_* oh ya i thought it was funny how the guy was trying to put the pen in my right hand when i wanted to leave my contact details at SL. then i remembered i tried a right-handed bass, of course he was gonna assume i was right-handed. haha! alright. quite convenient that i play with my right hand horh, or else buy bass will be super troublesome. hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hmhmhmhmhmhmhhmhmhmhmhmhmh much to think about im trying to recall how it felt like to play the basses. although i feel more 'at home' playing the yamaha ^ ^ TOP OF PAGE
Friday, February 20, 200911:51 pm
bass shopping~ ^^
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i went to sweelee today. tried an epiphone thunderbird sunburst! chio! 4 strings. passive. $600. sweet. how should i say.. hmm. felt quite nice. pricetag very tempting. then i went to yamaha @ PS and tried a yamaha RBX374 i think. active. it's my first time on an active bass. waseh. how to say. the sound is damn shiok la! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it feels a lot like my ibanez. i think maybe cuz this one action was a little higher than the thunderbird. and my ibanez action is high as heaven (unfortunately) . this one was $660. not bad! $60 more for active electronics! sweeeeet. both basses look very nice. hahahahaha i suppose the yamaha's action can be lowered? then it would be very easy to play. and i love yamaha's headstock! LOVE LOVE LOVE! it's so nice and (somewhat) sharp! LOL im not too enthusiastic about the tone knobs tho. looks and feels like cheapo knobs (just like my ibanez one). the knobs on the thunderbird were waaaaaaaaay cooler. lol. but im just nitpicking. in terms of body shape the 2 basses are like opposites. thunderbird's got a reverse body. yamaha got a super long horn. which, i think, looks quite (for lack of better word) sweet. HEHEHEHEHHE i don't remember the last time i got so excited over basses XD ok. basses aside but i probably won't get this design cuz 1. SG very hot lei..... 2. i will get diao like siao. but thats ok. XD but if i get this pair, no one will call me emo anymore! they will start calling me goth. -_- singaporeans are so drama. ah. wait. takai la! oh. signed up for basic theory. gonna take the test next month! errrrr yup. im finally starting on the path to getting my driver's license cuz people keep bugging me to. even though i have no intention to drive. i want people to drive me around. not the other way around. but whatever la! and after ubi we went for lunch at raffles city. MOS again! oyako burger! weining and i had a very boliao conversation about the handphone strap thingies MOS had. MOS burger kun, MOS cheese kun, Rice Burger kun etc. shan't elaborate cuz as i said, its very bo liao. poor guy under the poster had to tolerate all that rubbish from 2 crazy people sitting at the table adjacent to his. oyako burger is ok la. weining liked her ebi rice burger. i think next time i will try their bun burgers la. lol then we went to peninsula. and then brasbasah sweelee. and then plaza sing yamaha. and daiso! lol i bought another pair of socks! saw agnes there! and then for dinner we were at cineleisure. the japanese/korean place at the basement. had curry rice and some kind of fried ome/noodles thing. it was alright. hahahahahahaha oh. i need a new pair of blue jeans. my zara ones urgh it's sad to look at them after they shrunk in the dryer in NZ. hai. just a sad sight. im pissed my IE isnt loading pages properly. i don't know where the problem is. freakin piece of shit. i think my laptop is going to shits. the fan seems to have stopped working. im relying on a cold pack to keep my laptop from melting. sometimes i forget and the thing shuts down on its own :S yucks. there's a spider on my lamp. it's yellowish. 1cm long. skinny thing. revolting. i don't know how to deal with spiders. squashing them is disgusting. i would like to burn them with a lighter because that seems like the most um, tidy solution. it also sounds like the most sadistic one. ah. i don't have a lighter la. hahaha doushiyo kana? TOP OF PAGE
Thursday, February 19, 20098:49 pm
<スピカ> // i had a dream of crashing waves 15ft tall, and dolphins the size of whales says: kuro neko! SP says: wat ya saying <スピカ> // i had a dream of crashing waves 15ft tall, and dolphins the size of whales says: black cat <スピカ> // so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says: wtf <スピカ> // so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says: dun Kuro Neko says: danny du lan why we din go out liao Kuro Neko says: he always so late then can meet...i don wan la <スピカ> // so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says: hai <スピカ> // so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says: i give u a cooler name ok <スピカ> // so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says: debu ino! Kuro Neko says: wat's tt <スピカ> // so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says: white wolf Kuro Neko says: cool Kuro Neko says: then banana leh <スピカ> // so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says: i dunno fruits.. <スピカ> // so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says: except ringo is apple i think, ichigo is strawberry, yuzu is orange Debu Ino says: i see... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my god i want to cry~ TOP OF PAGE
7:34 pm
today it is scone! i know it looks nothing like scone. looks more like pie. but it is scone! posing as a pie. with strawberry jam ^^ TOP OF PAGE
5:17 pm
detroit metal city
so boredom has suddenly made me think of detroit metal city. it's an anime. hilarious shit la! i blogged about this before, but i nv posted the songs here. lol SATSUGAI SATSUGAI SE YO~~~~~~~~~~ (you don't want to know the rest of the lyrics) amai koibito! hard to believe these 2 songs are from the same show la hahahahahaha it actually got stuck in my head after every episode 朝目が覚めるとキミがいてasa me ga sameru to kimi ga ite チーズタルト焼いてたさchiizu taruto (cheese tart) yaiteta sa スウィーツベイビーキミはそうさsuwiitsu beibi (sweets baby) kimi wa sou sa 甘い甘い僕の恋人amai amai boku no koibito TOP OF PAGE
2:22 pm
koko ni iru!
im so bored. i played my broken bass. i watched anime i read mrbrown, miyagi, kennysia, even xiaxue! but there were no updates. -_- i made crepes and ate them with butter and maple syrup and cocktail hotdogs and baked beans. i changed my gmail theme background 4 times. (and settled on another cartoon one lol) i surfed for more dessert recipes (and found chocolate mousse! but i don't have the ingredients) i ate cookies i made yesterday, with nutella! i found a jam filled scone recipe. i have the ingredients! O_O shld i try? lol i surfed online shops i tried the skirt i bought at fareast i did the laundry i did the dishes i took 2 showers im so bored. TOP OF PAGE
12:14 am
the spoken word, the written word.
a thousand words like a haze around me but i can't hold on to the / black pigments / stained my fingers a thousand words but i can't shake free from the / ink like tar / stained my skin a thousand words onto white, lined paper did you know that words echo / when spoken / (but not here). TOP OF PAGE
Wednesday, February 18, 20095:37 pm
i really like spell magic, i like the bass i searched for tab i found tab i opened guitarpro file i took out my broken bass and started playing. without amp and without D string. my fingers are very stiff. i want bass!!!!!!!!!!! this friday will go try some basses. zettai ni iku!!!!!!!!!! TOP OF PAGE
1:01 pm
oh no. another hot day. nothing to do at home made cookies. too sweet! made pancakes. actually more like crepes la. but whatevER! mum likes them, so im off the hook! she prefers these over the premixed kind! she's got weird taste la. need to get more flour and eggs and milk! and again how to lose 2 kg in 2 weeks at this rate!!?? TOP OF PAGE
12:51 am
how to lose 2kg in 2 weeks at this rate?!?!!
haiya. tried to sleep. failed. my eyes are tired, but my brain is working overtime. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiii so the 20 minutes i lay in bed was in the end just rest for my eyes. now neither my eyes nor my mind feels like going to sleep. pfffft. i was planning to get up early tmr. have some scrambled eggs + cheese, cocktail hotdogs, and baked beans for breakfast. and milk tea. hai. and i gave in to temptation. 12:45am.stomach growling i made myself a cup of hot chocolate, and ate 5 vinegar crackers. both from NZ! youssef was right. this hot chocolate is nice! hahah ah. very satisfied now. TOP OF PAGE
Tuesday, February 17, 20099:51 pm
Spell Magic finally went to look up Acid Black Cherry. This is the first song i heard from ABC. Spell Magic. the video is ahhh interesting? hahahaha but i like this song! their first album, released last year, is titled Black List. think there's a new one coming up really soon i like their basslines. and the whole thing's just catchy. almost like pop, except they can play some really cool guitar solos. **soooooo today i went Orchard with weining. my feet hurt now. cuz i was wearing stripper heels. hahahahaha but it's quite fun to be so tall! had dinner at MOS burger. she ordered chicken teriyaki burger. i had kakiage rice burger. the best thing about MOS is the food comes to you HOT! next time, im gonna have the oyako rice burger!!TOP OF PAGE
Monday, February 16, 20091:38 am
i saw that i had 96 friends on facebook. i didnt even know i knew 96 people :S
* it rained a little today. at least it was a little cooler. but it was so light, it was barely enough to wet the ground. :(
Sunday, February 15, 200910:04 pm
the awkward and shy and blissfully oblivious
wth. haze la! first time ever the night wind was warm. the whole place was warm the air is hazy and smells burnt. so da! today i discovered the wonders of a cold pack not on my laptop, but on me! so shiok i fell asleep. TOP OF PAGE
9:06 am
ah cold avo milk on a warm morning i know ive said this a million times, but it's so hot!!!!!!! i can't even sleep through the night :@ TOP OF PAGE
Saturday, February 14, 200912:07 pm
light pollution, noise pollution, air pollution...
i have put a cold pack under my laptop will it be a good or bad decision? sa...... * i had a pleasant dream last night it actually took a while for me to realise it wasnt real :\ * i am so sick of korean dramas!!! no wait im so sick of the TV!!!!!!!!! even though im not watching it it's switched on the whole day stupid talking box! shut up! * anyway sometimes i think i have pretty weird conversations ben said guitarists/ bassists are usually single! how can? how cannnn??????????? the question is were they single before or after they picked up the instrument? *hmmmm* * ive been challenged to lose 2kg in 2 weeks! ganbarimasu! finally some motivation! honestly though staying in NZ wldve been even better motivation partly because i was TOP OF PAGE
Friday, February 13, 20097:48 pm
the funniest thing that happened today was weining getting her toes caught in some cables it nearly ripped her toes off. i nearly laughed my ass off. :) * ok la. i would really really really really like something to drink. but all i have is milk tea. i decided to give myself a treat and put two sweet tabs in. ^ ^ im also feeling very fat so fat so fat so fat urgh * would u like to know about ryutaro? * argggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh weather is tooo freakin hotttttt TOP OF PAGE
12:39 am
i was reading msnbc news and came across an article about comet lulin it's a newfound comet. most visible less than 2 weeks from now. unfortunately the only constellation i recognise is orion, so i doubt im gonna be able to locate it. i dont think i'll be able to see it anyway, cuz of the light pollution. im not even sure if it passes through this patch of sky. oh well. anyhow one link led to another and i found myself at SPACE.com it is a fascinating website. i like reading about the stars because they have such exotic names. oh, and the fact that stars are a comforting presence. (because the universe is so insanely huge, it makes my existence infinitely insignificant. that thought is very comforting because it makes me believe that it's ok if i screw up my life, cuz i mean less than a grain of sand. ^^ ) i used to go to the cricket field in lincoln around 1030pm, when the sun had (finally) set, and stare at the stars for a bit before walking back to crescent. reading the articles on space.com also makes me feel awesomely/horribly geeky. >< TOP OF PAGE
Thursday, February 12, 200910:08 pm
Maple cookies!
maple flavoured cookies with a hint of nutella! i know, it's a strange combi. i threw in some leftover cashews and macademias too > < they are tiny! just over an inch wide. i made 14 cookies ^ ^ it was supposed to be peanut butter, but i didnt have any, so nutella it is! it isnt sweet at all :( i have a fear of making things too sweet. used less than half the amount of sugar the recipe called for, and replaced some of that sugar with maple syrup! u could say it's less than half as sweet! :S TOP OF PAGE
8:53 pm
one month
i just remembered ive been back one month! time really flies! and ive been bitten by the mosquito on both knees (ya, wtf! weird place la) it's been one of the most happening and most boring times of my life ive been as happy as i have been sad been as sociable as i have been lonely spoke up as much as i kept my silence :) TOP OF PAGE
6:56 pm
i wonder how many calories i burn from typing so much everyday. i find it very odd how my eyes take turns getting tired sometimes my left eye will be half closed while the right is perfectly normal. sometimes it's the right eye thats falling asleep. :S im so young and my levator muscles are starting to get lazy! die! * do you have a regret? skip the frivolous ones like i shouldnt have eaten that muffin and i shouldve bought that shoe! etc do you have a choice you made, which you wish you'd done differently? even though i bitch about life a lot im alright with how things turned out granted things arent great but i consider myself pretty lucky already. it's like no matter how many bad choices ive made or how many times ive freaked out, things worked out alright in the end, didnt they? perhaps im just being optimistic ^^ well whaddaya know. the cup's half full~ TOP OF PAGE
2:13 pm
eh i forgot to take a photo of the cupcakes i made oh well i'll make another batch on friday la so its been 33deg C the past week. i hit the shower thrice daily. don't even have to switch on the water heater, cuz the water's already HOT!!!! omgggg wwhat on earthhhhhhhhhhhhh oh. i feel like chucking some chicken wings in the oven. hehe! still got roti john leh! * *waiting for chicken wings to thaw* oh ya. i said i was gonna go vegetarian right i take that back la. hahahaaaahaha so fickle! not that i don't wanna go vegetarian, but preparing veggies is very troublesome. and they spoil so fast. :( ** u know how, when you listen to the same songs repeatedly for a particular time period, u start to associate those songs to that time? when i was working, there was a time i always listened to Makka na Ito by plastic tree now everytime i hear that song i get very sianzed. because working is very boring. its sad that such a nice song will evoke such unpleasant emotions. Gerbera reminds me of poly yr 3, on the way to west coast optometry center for clinic. specifically, while waiting at the bus stop opposite clementi station. the other one is World World World album by AKFG reminds me of December/January in CR12. nothing to do but listen to songs on my PSP and watch the clock. that Wondergirls song and Rihanna's Disturbia too. reminds me New Years Day -_- and boring afternoons in CR TOP OF PAGE
1:29 pm
im so bored i decided to try this, which i came across on mrbrown's website 1. What would you say if someone were to say, "Is this o.k.?" Gigpig boogie - miyavi must be dope! 2. What do you like in a guy / girl? Lying from you - Linkin Park eh??????????? 3. How do you feel today? sense - siva do i now? 4. What is your life's purpose? unholy confessions - avenged sevenfold surely not? 5. What is your motto? Akatsuki - Alice 9 eh thats the same word for the second character in my chinese name! 6. What do your friends think of you? Utopia - FAKE? i know im a super friend, da yo? 7. What do you think of your parents? Homecoming: The Death of St. Jimmy/East 12th St./Nobody Likes You/Rock - Green day its a roller coaster ride ah? 8. What do you often think about? Kimi to iu Hana - AKFG translated title: A Flower Named After You ehhhhhhhhhhhh i don't know anyone with a flower name lei.. 9. What is 2 + 2? Forgotten - Linkin Park this made me laugh! 10. What do you think of your best friend? Agitated Screams of Maggots - Dir en Grey ya. drives me crazy. 11. What do you think of the person you like? Higeki Wa Mabuta Wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu - Dir en Grey according to lyrics wiki the translated title is Tragedy Is Gentle Gloom Which Closed Eyes. sounds like a fortune cookie reading. 12. What is your life story? Pull the Curtain - Sum 41 eh, quite cool leh. the first line of this song is Where'd i go wrong? 13. What do you want to be when you grow up? I Never told you what i do for a living - My chemical romance hmmmm i'll be a spy!! 14. What comes to mind when you see the person you like? Open Your Eyes - Sum 41 lol 15. What do your parents think of you? The Take Over, The Breaks Over - Fall out boy (ah, must be telling me to move my ass) 16. What will you dance to at your wedding? Corona - Alice nine (not possible la) 17. What will they play at your funeral? Inside Out - Yellowcard ("Here, a little sympathy for you to waste on me..." ) 18. What is your hobby / interest? Nagare Kuukyo THIS WORD - UVERWORLD 19. What do you think of your friends? Untitled - sum 41 20. What is the worst that could happen? Hajime no xxx - Plastic Tree thats not really a song. so the worst thing that could happen is a have a helium voice? hm quite la. 21. How will you die? Natsukoi - SID natsu koi is summer love? 22. What is the one thing you regret most? Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But...-Arctic Monkeys all you people are vampires! 23. What makes you laugh? MOB 136 BARS - the Gazette 24. What makes you cry? Dappunroru Koushien (Baseball) - miyavi sonna! 25. Will you ever get married? Travel - Nightmare/Naitomea guess not 26. What scares you the most? Fantasy - Alice nine rubbish! 27. Does anyone like you? Mountain - GC eh? a mountain of people like me?? XD 28. If you could go back in time, what would you change? Shigatsu Tsuitachi - Kagrra, 四月一日... thats the first of april. what happened on the first of april??? nothing! 29. What hurts right now? Cream - plastic tree ya man. throw some whipping cream at me. it will hurt so bad 30. What will you post this as? SxDxR - the gazette so the way these things work is i should tag people to make them do this silly thing too. but i won't cuz i know no one is bo liao enough to do this. however in the event someone is curious to try, please do, and tell me what you got! (because im very bored, la!) TOP OF PAGE
Wednesday, February 11, 200910:57 pm
Even though i don't know what he's singing..
haha some things don't change like how looking at ryutaro's photos make me feel [source] a gentle voice. a cute awkwardness. a dream-like state. like being in limbo. a sad fairy tale. memories like shadows. and the sliver of hope almost close enough to grasp. i listen to ryutaro's voice and he seems to be telling me one day, everything will be alright. TOP OF PAGE
7:52 pm
Keeping faith
sian ahhhhhhh sian sian sian sian siannnnnnzzzzz if i talk about death people will say im very depressing. but we all gotta die one day mah! i have a very positive view of dying! as long as it's quick and painless! and im not excited about dying. im not chasing after it. i'm just talking about it from a very emotionless, objective standpoint! too bad my deathdate is not something i have control over. yawn sheesh. where is everyone? no one i can talk to online! i am so bored don't make me talk to myself on my blog T_T i don't like faith. uh as in blind faith. because it is blind. it is like the wind, but less. at least with wind u can feel it. u cant feel faith. u cant see it, hear it, smell it or taste it. i don't like faith. because i cant grab hold of it. it is like the wind, but less. if it's gone, it's gone. if it's there, it could go anytime. such a fickle, fleeting nonexistence. and yet because it is so difficult to have and to keep faith is revered. faith is almost sacred. faith is admired. those who have faith are lauded. (or labelled as fools) for me, faith comes and goes. ebbs like the tide. sometimes it is strong and steadfast, sometimes i can feel it slipping away. (like now, which is why im here typing rubbish) pffft am i being too harsh on myself? hm. i'll keep this faith. even if it makes no sense. even if it's troublesome. even if it won't do me any good. i don't think it will be something i'll regret. i won't say it was a waste of time. i will keep this faith. at least i'll be able to account to myself. ** nyeh. maybe i shld make some chawanmushi TOP OF PAGE
2:09 pm
very hot ahhhhh very hotttttttttttttttttttttttt my laptop is so overheated it's shutting down on its own!!! why do some people send text messages in the middle of the night? not everyone keeps their cell on silent mode! not everyone switches their cell off when they go to bed! not everyone is awake at 230am! sheesh! okie. so mum and dad are out. home alone! alright! time to blast the Gazette on dad's 5+1 speakers! eh i was thinking if i turned out to be a rightie instead of a leftie would i still be as inclined to side the curious / curious.. whoa. there's this song by abingdon boys school its called rebirth+reverse no vocals. its damn cool! 7 minutes of awesomeness, yo! i know no one likes to do what theyre told. but just click the bloody PLAY button! no regrets! . . ah suit yourself. your loss! the first half is beautiful! the last 1.5 minutes it changes to something else too! while im at it, by the same band, Soul Eater's 4th ending song, Strength. super cool la. hehehehehe it goes really well with the video! too bad its not the whole song la AND while we're on the topic of awesome jrock songs, here's the Gazette with Swallowtail on the death valley. (what a mouthful) makes me jump around like a mad woman :D the audience is so O_O! theyre dancing! like para para! reita the bassist! ahh i like himmmm the drummer looks like he's having fun! TOP OF PAGE
Tuesday, February 10, 200910:45 pm
it is very warm. i feel like taking another bath. it will be my fourth today. TOP OF PAGE
10:23 pm
Random thoughts on the... on the train (or subway, as some people would insist) what an idea! honestly, the world is so unoriginal. person X will belong to a rich family. father dies of heart attack from too much good food. childhood full of piano lessons and tuition. has a younger sister. person Y will belong to a poor family. father is an alcoholic and mum slogs to make ends meet. Y will be born intelligent and/or diligent, and ends up in honor roll in school. that sorta thing. lol i was also wondering (while on the .. subway) very zen horh! i think i reach nirvana liao. TOP OF PAGE
6:59 pm
cloudy day .. . . . oh for goodness sake JUST RAIN ALREADY!!!!!!! I am hungry. today i accompanied wn to downtown east to watch her eat an upsized portion of pasta @ pastamania. and then we walked to the west whatever mall on the other side of pasir ris to buy some muffin cups. hehehehehehehe the muffin cups are pretty! mum bought bananas! she thinks it's from japan, because there's japanese characters on the packaging, and the bananas are about 1/4 the size of normal ones. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (i think they're from the philippines though. lol) * sleepy! coffee again~ but its not brewed too well, cuz im an impatient ass. ehhh actually it's more like coffee flavored milk than milk with coffee. im can feel my djmax2 skills improving!!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sometimes i stare at my msn online contacts and i wonder who they are.. alright. i have more pressing matters on my mind. like getting a new bass. should i just go for it anyway? HMM NO! wait for sales. HAHAHAHAHAH YAMAHA SALEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or i can go peninsula look for a cheaper bass la. hai. ya i made up my mind. i will go peninsula looksee. * ugh. im so sianzed. i read somewhere that lefties are lefties because something 'went wrong' very early on. i wonder what 'went wrong'. makes me feel like a retard. i also read somewhere that lefties are more likely to have mental illness like schizophrenia. uh oh. HAHAHAHAHHAHA im going to reassure myself that being crossdominant is super cool. ;) anyway yesterday when i went to bedok and walked in the sun for over an hour i got tanned. i am sadded. TOP OF PAGE
9:35 am
i got to eat roti prata. although it was frozen prata and leftover curry it was still good! this particular brand of frozen prata quite nice. hahaha the rest are horrible! im still craving for japanese curry im quite impressed by the newspaper's quick reply. (dad made me email them to inform them of non-renewal of subscription. because the guy who delivers the papers ...regularly misses our house or something. so we got fed up.) email received at 8:59am! working people really wake up very early ah? okie many things to do today my room is a mess! u can only imagine! cuz it must be pretty bad if even i am motivated to start cleaning up! TOP OF PAGE
Monday, February 09, 200910:33 pm
Good Food!
so you can see i am quite bored. so i shall make a list of the food i would like to eat now, but can't.
ok. thats a very short list. i shall list everything i like to eat then
im not too good at thinking of food now, im feeling a little nauseated. i wonder why? probably the glass of milk i just had..
ok. im actually feeling a little sick from thinking about so much food. mum loves chinese food. OH DEAR. my fingers really are getting rusty from not playing bass :'( TOP OF PAGE
9:39 pm
DOPT. looks like DOPE. (some people pronounce it wrongly, so sometimes it sounds like DOPE too) dope has several meanings, 3 of which are as an adjective, that's dope! meaning er.. really swell. drugs. dope. u know. dope. hahaha and lastly, as a noun. meaning a fool. which is all fine, because DOPT ppl are dope. 'dope', 'doped', and 'dope'. hehehehhehehehe ok la. im being lame. tired eyes back again. * on a totally random note, i really like curry. japanese curry. chinese curry. indian curry. i like curry too much for my own good ;) i really like japanese curry cuz i like sticky food. not because it is ryutaro's favorite food la! sticky curry. sticky rice. don't ask me why : TOP OF PAGE
6:16 pm
wa sehhhhh singapore is waaaaaaaay tooo hot i went to bedok to collect my health report just now. clean bill of health (damn!) even my eyes arent giving me problems anymore. :D hahahahha it was a sweltering day! but then again, it was lunchtime. the hottest time of day.. anyhoo mum's cooking curry chicken! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i met weining at bedok for lunch. mostly i picked at her leftovers and watched while she ate la. it's weird. i feel like a scavenger. :S but i can't finish a whole plate on my own. i don't want to either. so i always end up watching her eat. and she's totally fine with it, cuz she doesnt like eating alone. eating all alone at the table VS having someone watch u while u eat. most ppl would choose neither. HAHAHAHAHA the western food at this coffee shop is really good! botak jones? something like that. i must bring dad there one day! he likes western food so! realised we do some stupid things. like playing guess-which-hand-the-peanut-is-in, if u get it right u get to eat the peanut. but the thing is we didnt want to eat anymore peanuts. so it was bad to get it right -_- yea i know. stupid. silly things we do. tmr i'll go to dover! the lady actually called me today to remind me to go for enrolment! cuz the closing date's this friday. lol so funny. first time sial. so i said i'd go tmr. since she's in such a hurry to get everything done, i won't hold her up la. im so nice. ^^ she also seems to be under the impression i cant understand mandarin too well. i wonder why? lol OOH i seem to be saying 'strange' a lot. Too much, actually. i should stop. i'll alternate between 'odd' and 'weird' :D TOP OF PAGE
9:36 am
can see anot?????? lol it's a coconut tree from the beach! at night! ok. sian la. i have to go bedok. and then i have to go dover. very sian. verrrry sian cuz i don't feel like going anywhere today. shld i split it into 2 days? hmmmmm or maybe i shld head to bedok at 12. and then dover at 2. the hottest hours of the day :( i'm still very sleepy. so strange. TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, February 08, 20093:59 pm
allow me to whine a bit about not having a bass to play. haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii so boreddddd i wanttt bassssssssssss whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy something strange. my eyes feel so tired even though ive been sleeping so much books, tv, or computer screen just so tireddddddddddddddddd i want to bake some veggies. vege kebabs! hmmmmmmm i want to bake some cupcakes i want pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! i want japanese curry!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *yawn* today's song is Yellow by Coldplay i like how the sky gets lighter look at the stars look how they shine for you *** kk i'll try to tpye wih my eyes closed. hmmmmmmm ah yes im a very lazy person for many years i preferred to wait for things to happen instead of making things happen. because of that i wasted a lot of time. now, some things DO happen if u wait. one of those 'when you least expect it' incidences. but it really is too slow to just sit back and wait. and i don't think life is patient enough to wait for you, while YOU wait for life. it's strange. i realise im quite......challenged in some aspects. hahaha namely the bits that involve conversation and stuff. so ive been trying to be a little more proactive. a DOer. but it gives me so many things to worry about. the more things you do, the more worries there are. it's quite frustrating. and all the time i have to fight this temptation to take the easy way out and give up. * wa after playing djmax portable 2 for half an hour, my eyes dont feel as tired. strange... TOP OF PAGE
Saturday, February 07, 200911:14 pm
i made chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese filling!!!! heheheeheheh i also made some with white chocolate filling! but the choc's really sweet. bo pian. i baked them in IKEA's tealight holders cuz i don't have proper cupcake or muffin tray. ok. it's not perfect. the cake is a bit too moist. :S next time i will use (white) sugar. and less milk. i halved everything on the recipe but forgot to halve the amount of milk i'll try again. gonna buy me some walnuts or something to throw in. i also wanna try making a souffle. seems like a difficult dessert. lol. it's so boring at home without a bass :( TOP OF PAGE
1:03 pm
waaaaa i just found out i spent $4000 in one year! errrrrrrrrrrr TOP OF PAGE
Friday, February 06, 20099:57 pm
my feet ache so bad! went shopping today. in heels : bought a shirt, heels, a wallet, and ...false eyelashes. lol i still want to buy a bag! and shorts and so so so so many things! recession leh! recession means a lot of sales! lol i'm in an AWESOME mood right now even my eye cant bring me down. it's been being weird the past 2 days although u won't be able to tell just by looking an internal hordeolum? but not quite. conjunctivitis also not quite. i know somethings wrong with the tarsal conjunctiva and/or my lid margins la. but i cant flip my own lid or see what's wrong. i can only imagine. i really shld lay off contacts for a few days :S nee~, next week is friday the 13th! :D TOP OF PAGE
Thursday, February 05, 200910:17 pm
lunch at MOF whatever whatever! spicy miso ramen with chashu! it was good! the green tea too~ there was a dinosaur in my bowl! the yamaha a2 is $990! gahhhhhhhhhhhhh what am i to do?????? hai. sadded. sadded. sadded. TOP OF PAGE
Wednesday, February 04, 20099:14 pm
hmmm something wrong with the speaker cables :( needs a kick! okie. good news! medical checkup done! for once, a clinic is soooooooo empty!!!!!!! bad news! ive got an incurable terminal illness. dewa, sayonara!!!!!!!! ahahah. just kidding. but if being fat is an illness then see u all in hell~~~~~~~ for the first time in 3 weeks since i got back, it rained heavily!!!!!!! and i was half drenched. thank goodness i was wearing shorts and flipflops. hahahaha but of all days, it had to rain today! sheesh OOOOOOOOOOOOH i bought SO many avos today! it was 3 for $4.30! i bought 6! hahahahahahaha i already have 3 in the fridge! but i ate 1.5 just now, so i have 7.5 avos left :) all quite unripe. ANDDDDDD i bought strawberries. yummmmmy~~~~ ANDDDD i ate whatsitcalled....... popiah and rojak today! first time in........probably 8 months? this one at bedok central is really good! even mum said it was good! hm all that's left is to collect my report from the clinic and then i can head down to SP to complete my enrolment! perhaps friday i will go check out the yamaha rbx4 A2! i do hope it is cheap! i wonder if the price fell in the past 6 months? last time i saw, it was $800. if only it could be $600! i'd DEFINITELY buy it if it were! and then the first song im gonna learn when i get a new bass will be Beck's Spice of life! ya i know super old song. hee~ TOP OF PAGE
Tuesday, February 03, 200910:58 pm
eeeeek. so many things to do or maybe it just feels like a lot TOP OF PAGE
Monday, February 02, 200910:05 am
omg im so full. couldnt sleep well last night. pffft woke up at 730 -_- but i like waking early. made sushi at 10! it was...... weird. i'll try again~ ^ ^ so i transferred some old songs from the computer to my laptop. from Beck, the anime. ahhhhhhhhhhhh makes me want to play basssssssssssssss nooooooooooooooooooooooooo nooooo baaasssssssssss gah. mum spends the whole day watching re-runs of chinese and korean dramas -_- the chinese dubs over korean very distracting. cuz theyre always shouting. if only mum could watch it without dubs. pffft monday monday monday monday i feel like eating japanese currrryyyyy~~~~~~~ * alright. no japanese curry today. i baked cookies though! still waiting for them to be done! wonder how they'll turn out? gotta go down to SP later ~ tmr tmr tmr tmr! i wanna go out! *im really excited right now hahahahaha* TOP OF PAGE
Sunday, February 01, 200911:11 pm
It's the first of Feb! not that it's a significant date or month la. hahahahahah driest january in a decade, mum said i brought back a dry spell. pffffffft it is so bloody warm!!!!!! i really really really miss cold weather!!!! i'll never complain it's cold anymore! oh ya. new blogskin. those 3 pics are of ryutaro! on a bike! lol i bought some seaweed, that sushi rolling mat, and sesame seeds just now! hehehehe now i can try to roll sushi. and i can toast some sesame seeds to add to sesame vinegar salad dressing! hehehehehehe i love it! it's got me eating cucumber and carrots! so of all the rubbish ive been cooking my parents say the miso soup, chawanmushi and salad is nice. heheheheh mum still reckons the tea i serve is bleah. i think i will get more avos. hehe ** nostalgia. just seeing that word evokes bittersweet emotions. of memories and partings. the past re-enacted in a slowed-down, dream-like manner. that's why it always surprises me how suddenly and quickly it hits. |